Rough Mixes
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TitelRough Mixes

Rough Mixes is the second effort by monobeat original, the band of the founding member of Faust, Zappi W. Diermaier.

Comprising 12 tracks, Rough Mixes, covers a remarkable amount of ground across its journey - disassembled Krautrock, dirty psych, hypnotic prog and deranged industrial-, all the while sidestepping the canonized understanding of what transpired musically within Germany during the 1970s.

Vast in scope, immersive and strange and overwhelmingly beautiful. Writhing and deeply organic from start to finish. Industrial, martial and ritualistic, Rough Mixes pays homage to his focus on dynamism, rhythm and the potential of certain “concrète” materials. Absolutely incredible and creatively brilliant, its yet another crucial piece in a puzzle that’s far from complete.

(label info)

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Ambient - Abstrakt - Artrock - Avant Rock - Avantgarde - Black Metal - Contemporary - Dark Ambient - Darkwave - Drone - EBM
Electroacoustic - Electro - Electronic - Experimental - Field Recording - Folk - Glitch - Hardcore - Industrial - Improv - Indie-Rock
Industrial - Krautrock - Lo-Fi - Minimal - Musique Concrète - New Wave - No Wave - Noise - Post-Punk - Post-Rock
Progressive Rock - Punk - Rhythm'n'Noise - Sound Art - Sound Poetry - Soundtrack - Spoken Word - Synth-Pop